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Have you always wanted to write your memoirs?
Do you have a lot of stories but don’t know how to get them focused?
Would you like a day that’s just for you with like minded people who love to write?

Please join me August 18 12- 5pm 3rd Floor Social Capital

Based on the Deborah Kimmett’s international best selling, Writing in Your Pj’s Workshops this is a safe, energizing day that has wonderful tips on how to get past your voice of doubt and write those stories you have had in your head.

Who is Deborah Kimmett?

Very few comedians – much fewer female comedians past 60 have a platform in Canadian media. Her last comedy album Downward Facing Broad aired on CBC Radio to great response and began to tour before the world was shut down. As COVID-19 raged on, the Downward Facing Broad comedy album became number 5 on iTunes! After 17 years on CBC’s radio show The Debaters, Kimmett has an impressive following with CBC audiences.  As well her online Writing in Your PJ’s sparked a huge following from all over the world. She taught improv and sketch writing at Second City for twenty years, as well as running her own memoir classes for 18 years. This work is based on her best selling The Seven Minute Writer Toolkit.  A regular on CBC’s Winnipeg Comedy Festival, she is accomplished author of four books, Reality is Overrated and That Which Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Funnier, and Out Running Crazy. Deb’s new book Window-shopping for God will be published in late fall 2022. She was nominated twice for the National Magazine Award for Humour. As well, she has been shortlisted for the Governor-General Award for her play Miracle Mother, has written many episodes of TV. Her lead in the movie, Keep Coming Back debuted at the Palm Springs Film Festival, and Whistler Film Festival garnered a best actress nomination for ACTRA. She has appeared on Canadian gems like Frankie DrakeTall Boyz, and Gayle PyleShe would love to help you tell your story. “My favourite thing is to inspire writers and help them access the stories they’ve always wanted to tell.”


The Day.

Start the day with you favourite beverage at the onsite, The Painted Turtle Cafe then we will start the day warming up our right brain with seven minute writing exercises. Weather permitting there will be some writing exercises down at the local park.

As the day progresses you will learn to access the territory of memoir. Explore the 4 components needed for a good memoir, as well as a set of tools that will inspire you long after the class is over. It is a safe space open to all levels of writers. And there will be a lot of laughter.

This price includes the workshop, snacks and cold drinks only.

You can bring your own bagged lunch but why not treat yourself to lunch at the onsite The Painted Turtle Cafe?

Gananoque Arts Network Members will get a $30 reduction. Please email Jo at info@kimmett.ca for details.


Reviews Of Deb’s Workshops:

Dr. Carol Clapperton, 

“I was all over the place with my ideas but Deb asked me questions that helped me focus my ideas.”

Suzzie Huston. (Student)

“I love how you approach the issues that stand in our way and inspire the creativity that is hidden in all of us. Not sure if you found this path or it found you, but you are changing lives! “

Lee- Anne MacAlear. (Motivational Speaker/ Innovator)

“Deb’s writing classes got me through the pandemic. A great comic, writer and teacher! Is there anything this girl can’t do?”

DorothyAnn Brown( author, Recycled Virgin)

“The classes I took were so inspiring, so fun, so depth-digging I feel as if you should also be charging therapy prices! And your depth of preparation was stunning and much appreciated. Still dancing through seven-minute segments and eternally grateful.”

Allison Ferguson. (Campus Recruitment Co-ordinator.)

“I’ve taken several writing workshops over the past few years, but Deb’s had provided me with some practical tools that I am using in my (almost) daily writing. What has stuck with me? The 7-minute exercise, the grace notes, mapping, the ‘suddenly’, the variety of mediums to illustrate the themes, to name a few.”

Janice Meighen, (Grief Counsellor and Weddings and Baptism Officiant.)

“Taking Deborah’s Writing in Your Pyjamas Sunday morning workshop opened me up and introduced me to the storyteller I had inside of me. She was very supportive, empowering, and honest! I highly recommend taking any one of her workshops and unleashing your own inner talents for the written word.”

Bella Grundy, (Talent Agent, Bella Agency)

“These classes have altered and exhilarated my life.”


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