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Are you a funny storyteller, but when you go to shape the story it goes limp on the page?

Have you been called funny for a long time but can’t figure out how to up your humour game?

Would you like to know what it takes to write humour with heart?

Well, I can help you:

Let me introduce myself. I am Deborah Kimmett, a writer, mentor and comic based in Toronto. I have taught comedy and improv writing at Second City for 20 years, plus developed my Seven Minute Writer Toolkit – a how-to kit to unlock the writing blocks. I can be found doing mouth karate on @cbcdebaters, my comedy album Downward Facing Broad is killing it on i-Tunes and in the fall I will be taping my new album with @howl_roar. I am the author of 3 books ( Reality is Overrated, Outrunning Crazy and That Which Doesn’t Kill You Makes Your Funnier) My new memoir,  Windowshopping For God has been named 2024 Books with Buzz and the best-selling book of 2024.


Classes are from: Wednesdays, April 2, 9, and 16th, 2025. 2-4 pm EST

The price is $179.00 until March 20th.


This will also show you how to shape a comedic story that will have your readers laughing out loud. You will learn the science of a comedic set-up, and how to raise the stakes in your stories. You will learn when to use dialogue, balance plot and pacing and create your unique strong comedic voice in your writing. We will also have time in the 2-hour Wednesday sessions to put your ideas up on the hoist and get coached on the spot so you can make your ideas better:

This class is geared toward people who write, comedy for the stage, the page, blogs, memoirs and who want to add humour to their writing.

The class will be a series of hands-on exercises, with tips from fabulous comedic writers as well as break-out rooms to try out your work with fellow writers, and lots of writing hacks from someone who has taught for 38 years.

Here are some nice things people have said:

         “Working with Deborah will release your writing knots and adjust your story spine. Her classes are fun, inclusive and full of wisdom. And she makes me stand up straighter.”  Alana Shields, Actor, writer, Not a Chiropractor. Sutton

“Your hilarious writing classes got me through the pandemic.” Lee- Anne MacAlear Keynote speaker, Toronto.

All of the stories that were shared have stayed with me; the honesty, humility and soulfulness are memorable. The 7-minute exercise, the grace notes, mapping, the ‘suddenly’, and how to shape the ideas in a variety of mediums to illustrate the themes, to name a few. Allison Ferguson, Calgary 

    “These classes have altered and exhilarated my life.”  Bella Grundy, Talent agent, Toronto