This newsletter has all my book tour dates and my one- and-only memoir writing workshop this summer on August 11 on Zoom--Wake Up Your Muse. (SIGN UP NOW BEFORE IT’S FULL)


Tonight, July 24th,  I will be at the Novel Idea Bookstore, in Kingston 7 pm-8:30 pm.

It will start with a reading, some great stories and a conversation.

Enjoy a treat, grab a signed copy of her book and have some laughs as she reads from the best chapters.

My oldest friend and ultra-talented local actor Len Whalen will join me. There will be shenanigans.

Please RSVP- here to guarantee a spot


Thanks to Scott for sharing that my book is featured at Bay Bloor Indigo in Toronto.



Thanks to the Humanism Canada podcast for these videos and for interviewing me.

Thanks to the 42nd Annual Sunshine Coast Festival of the Written Arts in BC. For inviting me to speak.


Hey Writers: Let’s wake up your muse. The muse is not a complicated gal. She wants you to spend a little time with her — Lets revive your relationship by having a date morning-August 11th-Personal Stories and Memoir Session on Zoom. RSVP HERE