This blog contains some inspiration, details about the writing class this fall and my performance dates.

What is going on with you and your muse?

Didn’t you both have a great thing going on before the summer holidays?

Now it seems she is avoiding you completely.

Well, your muse is like any other relationship. You have to nurture it if it’s going to stay healthy.

She needs your time.

No, not a lot. And nothing fancy. You don’t have to make elaborate plans to go away for the weekend.

 Seven minutes is all she is asking for.

 Seven minutes to put your butt on the chair and move the pen across the page.

Seven minutes when you stop texting, stop looking at the screen and listen to her rich ideas.

 The muse is not a complicated gal.

You’re the one she wants. She wants seven minutes with you putting your pen on the page.

Or if you want to really treat her take her to my 6-Week Writing Online spa below!


My only fall class: A six-week class Writing in Your Pj’s Spa starting November 5th on Zoom. Check it out. The price goes up on October 1st, 2023!


October 11, 8 pm Accent on Toronto Danforth Music Hall. SOLD OUT

October 19, 2023- 7:30 PM Overnight Sensation, Peterborough Handful of tickets left

October 24, 2023 7:30 The Debaters Centrepoint Theatre, Ottawa, 7:30PM sold out