I went south to speak for International Women’s Day( We Move Forward Conference in Mexico) and I received the proper dose of sun and stories.
Besides experiencing a wonderful three days of speakers and break out sessions we explored new 
ways to move forward in our lives.
For me before I move forward there has to be a long period of “I don’t know.”Over the years I have met people who want life to get better. But they can’t or won’t yet  surrender the thing that they need to give up.The bad relationship. The terrible job. The weight issues. The addiction.
In fact they give up things they don’t need to give up.
Have you ever done this?
Twenty seven years ago I gave up drinking. Or drinking quit me.  I had drank my quota of booze for a couple of lifetimes. You know it’s time to quit drinking when you go in to play a nurse in the Terry Fox film and they make you a cancer patient. When you quit drinking people say you need to have willpower. Like you purposely willed yourself to pull up your boot straps. I find just the opposite. It was more like one day waking up and saying no more. With no idea of how it was going o get better. Only by falling backward into the land of not knowing that I moved forward. Of being willing to do anything to get help. I had to give up any agendas I had for my life. The agendas and a couple of musicians and a roadie named Phil, before it got better.

It is in the not knowing that grace squeezes in and gives you new ideas you can say yes to. ( A tweeter)

It’s in the not knowing that we move ahead.

BIG SHOUT TO CLASS ACT WOMEN WHO SHOW ME HOW TO MOVE FORWARD: Monica Parker, Betty Anne Howard, Maggie Ashton, and Jane Hawtin.

What quality do you need to let go of and surrender before you can move forward?

MARCH 24th : ON-LINE new character and dialog one day workshop coming.
(EMAIL ME FOR DEETS if you’re into it –ONLY 65 bucks for a one day)


Need a witty and wise speaker for your next event? Check out Deb’s keynotes!